
Jr High Parents!

We are excited to offer a 4-day JR High Day Camp, August 16th-19th, for students going into grades 5 to 8 this summer! This camp is exclusively for LakePoint students in an effort to help them connect spiritually with God and socially with each other.

It’s very important to us that we do everything we can to create an environment for meaningful relationships to form for your child with other students from LakePoint. Grades 5-8 is a stage when your students are at a critical time in their development where they are starting to become highly influenced by their peers. Often their perception becomes dependent upon their friendships and how they see the world and the people in it becomes largely based off of how their friends see the world.

We recognize that Jr High on Sunday mornings doesn't provide many opportunities where students can connect with their peers socially. That is why we’ve designed Day Camp. We’ve been intentional in creating an environment where your students are able to meet and connect with other students their age and be exposed and influenced by Christian peers and mentors. It’s our heart for your student to be able to connect with a foundational group of peers so that when they enter their adolescent years, they have healthy influences.

These 4 days of fun-filled friendship building will include daily chapel time along with small group time, tribal competitions, daily electives, and a combination of indoor & outdoor activities. Each day starts at 9AM and ends at 3PM.

We see this week as something so important and foundational, that we've subsidized the cost to make it affordable for families. Covering registration, activities, and elective costs, Jr High Camp is only $20! To keep those costs low, we ask that your student bring a packed lunch all four days.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

For more information or to register, click the button below.

Pastor Ethan

JR High Day Camp: Registration

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